
Welcome to our Free Skin Care Product Diagnosis Page!

At Feekasure Glow, we believe that every individual's skin is unique, and finding the perfect skincare products for your specific needs is our top priority.
To ensure you receive tailored recommendations, please take a moment to complete this brief questionnaire.
Your answers will help us understand your skin type, concerns, and preferences, allowing us to suggest the best products that will nourish and enhance your skin.

Best of all, this service is completely free! Your journey to radiant, healthy skin starts here. Let's get started!"

What is your skin color?
Describe your skin type
Your skin tends to shine throughout the day, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). You may have enlarged pores and be prone to acne or blackheads.
Your skin may feel tight, rough, or uncomfortable. You may have areas of flakiness or dryness, especially in the winter. Wrinkles and fine lines may be more noticeable.
Some parts of your face, usually the T-zone, tend to be oilier, while other parts, like the cheeks, are drier. You may also have enlarged pores and blackheads in the T-zone.
Your skin easily reacts to skincare products, temperature changes, or environmental irritants. You may experience redness, tingling, or burning sensations. It may be prone to rosacea or couperose.
Your skin is balanced, neither too oily nor too dry. It has a smooth texture, small pores, and is generally not prone to frequent irritations.
Even if your skin can be oily or combination, it may lack hydration. It can appear dull, have dehydration lines, and feel uncomfortable.
Your skin is prone to acne, with pimples, pustules, or cysts. It may be oily and prone to frequent breakouts.
Your skin shows visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, loss of firmness, and may be less elastic.
If the issue is not listed, please describe it here.
veuillez choisir votre type de peau parmis ces options. Which one describe best you skin type.
By providing more specific information about your skin type, you will help skincare experts recommend products and routines tailored to your needs.
How does your skin react to changes in the seasons?
please specify
Check all the answers that apply.
This question will help obtain a more detailed understanding of how your skin reacts to the seasons and will assist in tailoring skincare recommendations accordingly.
Do you have any specific eating habits that could have an impact on your skin?
This question will explore dietary habits that could influence the condition of your skin, which can be helpful for recommending dietary adjustments or specific supplements for healthier skin.
Have you ever experienced allergic skin reactions or irritations with skincare products?
Check all that apply or specify the specific products that caused reactions.
This question will help better understand your past reactions to skincare products, which is crucial for recommending products that will minimize the risk of adverse reactions.